Welcome to IPCEI ME/CT

Microelectronics and communication technologies

IPCEI ME/CT is a collaborative initiative aimed at driving innovation, research, and industrial deployment across the microelectronics and communication technologies value chain. Led by fourteen Member States of the European Union, this project represents a strategic endeavor to foster digital and green transformation while enhancing Europe's competitiveness in key sectors.


IPCEI ME/CT aims at stimulating innovation and technological advancement in microelectronics and communication technologies, contributing to Europe's ambition for a greener, digital, more secure, resilient, and sovereign society.

Scope & Impact

IPCEI ME/CT encompasses research and development projects covering the entire microelectronics and communication technologies value chain, from materials and chip designs to manufacturing processes and application development.

Through its innovative projects, IPCEI ME/CT aims to advance technologies such as 5G and 6G communications, autonomous driving, artificial intelligence, and quantum computing, while supporting companies in their green transition.

14 Member States

The project benefits from a total public funding commitment of €8.1 billion from the participating Member States, complemented by private investments estimated at €13.7 billion. It also involves 30+ associated partners from other countries.

  • 8.1 € billion From the participating Member States
  • 13.7 € billion From private investments
Photo : VDI/VDE Innovation + Technik GmbH


The IPCEI ME/CT involves 68 projects from 56 companies (Large Enterprises, Small and Medium Sized Enterprises). These direct participants will closely cooperate through more than 180 envisaged cross-border collaborations with both other direct participants, associated partners and indirect partners (which can also be research organizations) to create a vibrant ecosystem.

  • 68 Projects
  • 56 Companies
  • 700 Participants


The IPCEI ME/CT program is structured around 4 individual workstreams (WS): SENSE, THINK, ACT, and COMMUNICATE ensuring Safety & Security, Sustainability and Digital Sovereignty for the European Union of Tomorrow. The workstreams are supported by a Facilitators Group (FG) and Transform Group (TG) to ensure efficient implementation and high impact of their projects and the overall program.

How is IPCEI ME/CT shaping the future of microelectronics innovation ?

Discover the IPCEI ME/CT in our first webinar

June 26th, 02-04 pm Register now